What is Snow Based Generator
It's rather darn wonderful how scientists have been capable to harness energy from the sun rays, wind, and solar water, supplying us with almost all these sorts thousands of useful alternative forms of power.
And now they've sought to create happiness from snowfall.
According to conducting a 2019 study, engineers and chemists from the University of chemical California, Los Angeles ( UCLA labs ) have developed a device made of silicone that can harness charges from static electricity.
The unique type of strength system that can easily function in very snowy environments and when interacting with ice can also be really helpful however difficult to obtain accomplished.
Herein, Scientists introduce using the commercially patented snow-based triboelectric nanogenerator ( n - TENG ) that can be used as an organic absorber or a multifunctional sensor processing device based either on the principle of chemical snow-triboelectrification.
silicon behaves as negative charged and accepts the electrons freely whereas snow behaves as positive and donates electrons.
Renewable energy sources are technologies which together can be used to produce energy efficiently and again e.g. solar energy source, wind energy, etc.
What is Renewable Energy?
India has taken a lead in developing the renewable energy sector in 2016 world.
As of 2019, 35 % percent of India’s installed electricity generation capacity is from renewable sources, generating 17 % of total electricity in the total country.
The country is planning projects to develop sustainable renewable energy technologies capacities.
The increased use of renewable energy resources directly in energy sources alone is therefore resulting in less pollution and has a significant effect on economic benefits and reduces environmental security.
Some notable examples of renewable energy projects are mentioned:
Wind energy
Solar energy
Geothermal energy
Project Ongoing in India for renewable energy:
India is the first country in the world to set up a ministry of non-conventional energy resources. It is the public sector undertakings.
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions ( INDC ) include:
In the Paris Agreement India is committed according to an internationally Intended and Nationally mandated Determined renewable Contributions target of generating 40 % of its total electricity generation from non-fossil fuel sources by 2020- 2030.
175 billion GW interim target capacity is 100 GW of solar, 60 GW of wind, 10 GW of renewable biomass, and 5 GW of water hydro.
National Clean Energy Fund: It is the fund created for backing research and development of innovative eco-friendly technologies.
National Solar Mission: It is a part of the National Action Plan on Climate Change. It is an initiative to promote solar power in India. This program was initiated in 2010 with a target of 20 GW by 2022.
Grid Connected Solar Rooftop program: This scheme promotes the installation of solar panels across the country. It involves the installation of the solar panel at the rooftops of the residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings.
According to the 2027 blueprint, India claims to collectively have 275 GW from renewable energy, 72 GW of hydroelectricity, 15 GW of nuclear energy, and nearly 100 GW from other zero-emission sources.
Solar mini-grids project 2020:
As part 1 of the government’s initiatives to take renewable energy to safer places, Union energy Minister plan for renewable New bio Renewable Energy initiative, implementing the solar mini-grids project.
The Solar Mini-Grids project has an objective of ensuring taking advantage availability of commercially available solutions to achieve universal energy access by 2025 and reduce renewable energy costs and tariffs.
Factors to be implemented for achievement
Infrastructure: To support growing global renewable energy, the expansion of energy infrastructure, which may both include state and inter-state should be considered strengthened.
R & D: Investment in developing R & D infrastructure projects globally, as well as sustainable resource development is undertaken in addition to existing content management and Institutional strengthening
Strengthen the institutional structure to facilitate the effective flow of central knowledge assistance. It is a particularly important tool to help strengthen the institutional structure to monitor the implementation of Government policies and regulations programs.
Capacity regulatory requirements: The regulator also aims specifically to ensure that India’s distribution companies have the maximum capacity to continue to purchase renewable electricity.
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Why is it important for India?
Renewable sources can make India as a oil-free nation.
India is still heavenly dependent on oil-based energy sources. Also, India pays very high import costs for Oil.
Price variation in international demands of oil can significantly affect the profit loss of India's budget.
Complete electrification of India
Rural areas are still living without 24/7 electricity. It is not possible to set up a power grid at any level of the ground. Therefore Renewable sources can play a vital role in electrification.
Reduce Pollution:
Oil-based energy sources are the main reasons for country pollutions.
Very high Setup cost
Machinery costs much High.
Maintenance is also much high.
Drawbacks of wind energy technology:
Sources of wind energy are limited as it completely depends on the flow of wind speed.
It may be harmful to birds.
The issue of vast land area and other issues related to land acquisition.
* ( Category : upsc , psc , gk , facts , science )